Saturday, June 8, 2013

"Born not from our flesh, but born in our were longed for and wanted and loved from the start...."

We have been ready for a baby to join our family for quite some time. However, our journey to parenthood hasn't happened as easily or quickly as we had hoped. After our two year journey through infertility, multiple failed IVF treatments, we are very excited to start a 'new' chapter in our lives and grow our family through adoption!!

I can't think of a better way to "broadcast" our journey through adoption, then blogging! Adoption takes time, money and a lot of emotions. There are good days, there are bad days, and then..there are the "waiting" days. The process of adoption requires many steps in other to just be placed on the "waiting" list, we have home studies, fees, and many interviews to complete before we can placed on the list for all the birth mother's to view our profile!

One way that we can be matched with a birth mother is by networking, all it takes is 1 person to know of someone or themselves, that are finding adoption to be the best option for them and their baby, and for us to be matched with them.

Making the decision to place your baby for adoption is one of the most important choices you will make and an incredibly selfless act. A birth mother who decides to place her baby for adoption is not only choosing to give life to her child, but is choosing to give her baby things she may not be able to provide on her own-such as a two-parent family, or financial and emotional security. She may simply feel as though she is not ready for motherhood or in a position to provide a secure home for her baby at the present time.

The best thing about adoption is that everybody "wins". The birth mother can feel at peace with her decision, knowing that her baby is going to grow up loved and well-cared for, while we dream of having a family finally does come true!

Do you know of someone or yourself that is considering adoption? Help us get connected by emailing us at 

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