Sunday, June 9, 2013

How you can help!

If you are wanting to help us in any way possible we have some things that will make a huge impact on this journey we are on! 

Pray & Show Support:
No matter what religion you are, or what you believe in, we ask you to all pray for us to find our birth mother, we hope that you will show us support during this time. Since we are new to this, each day is a learning experience for us, each meeting, each phone call, and each sheet of paper we sign, is all a new learning experience. While we are each other's support, we are asking you kindly to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. 
Not only are we going to be bringing home our son or daughter, but we are also bringing home a grandchild, a niece or nephew, a cousin. Everyone that is our family and friends will be welcoming a new addition to the circle. We can't thank you enough for all of your love and support during this time....and it will never be forgotten! 

Help Network:
A way of reaching many potential birth mothers who are seeking adoptive parents is to use a mass market approach, such as Facebook, blogs, twitter and other various websites. If you tell 25 people that we are looking to adopt, and they each tell another 25 people, you will have "told" 625 people! This ripple effect does work, networking works with everyday people like your friends and neighbors, as anyone can hear of a friend or neighbor whose daughter has an unplanned pregnancy. Do you know someone who is expecting and considering adoption for their baby? Help us connect by letting them know about us! 

Buy a bag of coffee:
We have set up a website that helps families raise money that are seeking adoption to complete their family. For every bag of coffee purchased, we will receive $5.00 to go towards our adoption costs.

On our home page we have a "Donate to Delayed Lullaby Link" this is a Paypal tax deductible donation option for anyone who wishes to help with a money donation.

As always any words of encouragement is always accepted! If you would like more information on how you can help us complete our family please email us at 

We can't thank you all enough with your continued love and support. We are so excited to finally have our family complete and be able to share our love and excitement with you all! 

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