Saturday, June 8, 2013

Get to know Doug

Doug's Favorites:

Color: Blue
Food:  Meatloaf & Mashed Potatos 
Sport: Golf & Softball
Hobby: Playing any kind of sports
TV Show: King of Queens
Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Season: Summer

Doug's Family:
Denise & Stepfather Tom
Dad: Jeff

1 Sister (Jackie 23) 

1 (Jaylen 4)
Another Niece OR Nephew expected November 2013!! :)

About Doug (by Jennifer)

Doug is the kind of man who anyone can come to for any reason and know they will get the truth, and the utmost respect and attention. Doug is the most loving and caring husband, and best friend in the world.
(Ok, so I am a little bias)

When I first met Doug 15 years ago, I will always remember how admired he was by his little cousins, who I babysat for. They thought the world of their cousin Doug, he would always take time to play with them, and of course joke around with them and his aunt and uncle. 

Doug's personality is definitely one for the books, he is someone who will go out of his way to make you smile, and try and remember what you DO have instead of what you DON'T have. 
He is someone who once you meet him for the first time, you feel like you have known him your whole life!! 

I can't imagine life without Doug by my side, through our entire life fate kept bringing us back together, and we finally knew after years apart that our love for each other would never end. We are each other's greatest support, we are each other's best friend.

Through our struggle of infertility, Doug has shown me just how strong he can be, it has also shown me just how much he wants to start a family and how amazing of a daddy he will be. The patience that Doug has is unbelievable. I am so excited to become parents with Doug and to watch just how wonderful of a daddy he will be! 

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