Saturday, June 8, 2013

Get to know Jennifer

Jennifer's Favorites:

Color: Green
Food: Mexican
Sport: Golf (well just starting)
Hobby: Interior Decorating
TV Show: King of Queens
Movie: Tommy Boy
Season: Fall

Jennifer's Family:

Larry & Carolyn (Married 35 years)
1 brother: Jon (30) and 1 sister: Jessica (33) 
 3 (Kaitlyn: 10, Brooklyn: 6, Abby: 4)
 1 (Connor 10)

About Jennifer (by Doug):

When I first met Jennifer I had a different kind of feeling that I've never experienced before, there was something about her that made me feel comfortable, a "at home" kind of feeling whenever she was around. 
Jennifer has always had a sense of humor and laugh that makes you just feel "good" whenever she is around you. 

Jennifer becomes friends with anyone she meets, she is accepting of everyone and loves meeting new people. She is never afraid of stepping outside her "comfort zone" if it means meeting someone new, helping someone feel like they belong, or just cheering someone up. 

The day Jennifer came back in my life after years apart, I knew I couldn't let her go. She was everything I ever wanted and more, she always made me feel that no matter what, everything would be "OK" with her in my life. She is, who I can truly say is my best friend. 

Jennifer's strong desire to become a mom, has made me realize just how important being a family really is. She is so compassionate in everything she does, she gives 110% with anything she encounters and most of all, she is so in love with children, it makes me smile and fill my soul with happiness when I see her around children and how natural it is for her to be a mom. You are born to become someone in life, to grow up to be something life, and Jennifer was definitely born and raised to become the best mom there is. 

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